El llibre està en castellà, però apareix el nom de cada ocell en català, gallec, castellà i basc.
Tot i això, no és una guia de camp, ja que és bastant gros. L'ideal és complementar-lo amb una guia més petita. Jo recomano la "Guia de camp dels països catalans i d'Europa". Jo tinc l'última edició en català, i va de meravella. Apareixen il·lustracions de cada ocell i una explicació, més o menys com a l'altre llibre, però més resumit.
Fins ara ja m'han servit moltíssim tots dos, us els recomano a tots.
I moltes gràcies a tothom, el blog està tenint moltes visites! Per la gent que viu als estats units, no estic gaire informada, però m'han dit que la "Field Guide to birds of N.A", de la National Geographic és bastant bona.
This week I got the guide "Aves", by the publisher Blume. In the guide there appear all the birds of Europe, and the truth is that it is really good. It gives you the basic information: size, weight and distribution. It also tells the habitat, food, singing and breeding of every bird. Moreover, in some species, there appears a flight pattern and a curiosity. Regarding the description it is very detailed, so that helps a lot with the species that are harder to identify. To avoid confusion, the most similar species appears on the page, and it tells how to identify them. There is also an image and some ilustrations of each bird.
The book is in spanish, but it tells the name of every bird in catalan, galician, castellà and Basque.
However, you can't use is as a field guide, because it is quite large. The ideal is to complement it with a smaller guide. I recommend the "Guia de camp dels països catalans i d'Europa". I have the latest edition in Catalan, and it is so good. It includes ilustrations and data of each bird, more or less like the other book, but more condensed.
I have used both a lot, I recommend them to everyone.
And thanks to everyone, the blog is having many visits! For people who lives in the United States, I'm not really informed, but an american boy told me that the " Field Guide to Birds of NA", by the National Geographic, is pretty good.
Wow Irene. Another professional and informative entry.
ResponEliminaThank you Lance! Well, it can be informative but professional? at least not as your pictures :P
ResponEliminaHi Irene! Your posts are all so cool and interesting. You take amazing bird photos!
ResponEliminaThanks! Glad you think so! :)