dimecres, 10 de juliol del 2013

Pinsà comú

Bona tarda a tothom!
Per obrir aquest bloc, us penjo un dibuix en el que fa temps que treballo i que finalment ja he acabat. Es tracta de dos exemplars de pinsà comú, el mascle i la femella.
El pinsà és un ocell molt comú als Països Catalans, sobretot a l'hivern, quan se'n poden veure grans volades. És un ocell inconfusible per la coroneta gris-blava del mascle i les dobles franges alars blanques que presenta, que són molt visibles en vol.

Good afternoon to everyone!
To open this blog, I upload a picture I have been working for a long time on and now I have finally finished it. These are two individuals of Common Chaffinch, the male and the female. The Chaffinch is a common bird in Catalonia, especially in winter, when you can see large flocks of them.
It's a bird that can be easily identified by the male blue-grey crown and the double white wing stripes that presents, which are very visible in flight.

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