dijous, 21 de juny del 2018

Regulus goodfellowi

El bruel de Taiwan, endèmic de l'illa, és comú en zones boscoses de muntanya durant l'època de cria, i pot arribar a elevacions més baixes durant la resta de l'any. Taiwan té diferents zones protegides, i una gran varietat d'espècies endèmiques degut a l'aïllament que li representa no ser continental.

La varietat de colors i degradats del bruel ha anat genial per practicar el dibuix digital!

The Flamecrest is an endemic Taiwanese bird. It is commonly found in the mountains of the island, in upper ranges during breeding season while it can stray closer to lowland during the rest of the year. Taiwan has many natural protected areas, and a rich variety of endemic species due to the isolation that being an island provides.

The color palette of the Flamecrest was perfect for a bit of digital painting practice!

Paint Tool Sai
Wacom Intuos Art tablet

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