Amb l'última sessió el dia 6 de febrer, a Banyoles queda tancat el projecte Sylvia d'hivern d'anellament d'ocells d'aquest any. El Sylvia és un programa de l'Institut Català d'Ornitologia que té des de fa 18 anys una estació a la Font de la Puda (Banyoles) gràcies al grup Limnos i la seva dedicació.
Aquest hivern hi ha hagut algunes captures destacables, incloent el pinsà mec (Fringilla montifringilla), el tord ala-roig (Turdus iliacus), el pinsà borroner (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) i el pica-soques blau (Sitta europaea). D'aquest darrer sembla que se n'han establert uns comptats individus a la zona.
Vaig poder assistir a l'última sessió de l'hivern, on vàrem agafar, com a més destacats, tres bruels (Regulus ignicapilla) i un pinsà mec. Moltes gràcies a l'equip, desitjo poder prendre part de l'anellament en més ocasions durant les sessions de primavera!
Fotos: Regulus ignicapilla i Fringilla coelebs
Last Saturday, the local environmentalist group in my town (they're called Limnos, check them out here) finished the last of this year's winter ringing sessions for a project which has been being developed here for 18 years now. The Sylvia ringing project aims to keep count of the bird populations all across Catalonia and is supported by the EURING organization, which organizes ringing throughout Europe.
This winter some remarkable species have been ringed, including the Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla), the Redwing (Turdus iliacus), the Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) and the Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea). A small group of Nuthatches now seems to have established near the ringing spot.
I could take part in the last session for the winter and the highlights were three Common firecrests (Regulus ignicapilla) and a Brambling. I'm very thankful to the team, and I look forward to being able to go to more sessions when the spring round starts!
Photos: Regulus ignicapilla and Fringilla coelebs
Vaig poder assistir a l'última sessió de l'hivern, on vàrem agafar, com a més destacats, tres bruels (Regulus ignicapilla) i un pinsà mec. Moltes gràcies a l'equip, desitjo poder prendre part de l'anellament en més ocasions durant les sessions de primavera!
Fotos: Regulus ignicapilla i Fringilla coelebs
Last Saturday, the local environmentalist group in my town (they're called Limnos, check them out here) finished the last of this year's winter ringing sessions for a project which has been being developed here for 18 years now. The Sylvia ringing project aims to keep count of the bird populations all across Catalonia and is supported by the EURING organization, which organizes ringing throughout Europe.
This winter some remarkable species have been ringed, including the Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla), the Redwing (Turdus iliacus), the Eurasian bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) and the Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europaea). A small group of Nuthatches now seems to have established near the ringing spot.
I could take part in the last session for the winter and the highlights were three Common firecrests (Regulus ignicapilla) and a Brambling. I'm very thankful to the team, and I look forward to being able to go to more sessions when the spring round starts!
Photos: Regulus ignicapilla and Fringilla coelebs