Està fet a llapis, i he jugat amb les diferents mines, però bàsicament he utilitzat la 2H, la 1H i la 3B. (I l'HB, és clar). Moltes vegades es diu que l'art i la ciència són pols oposats, però la il·lustració naturalista ha demostrat, un cop més, que no ho són i que, a més, es poden complementar.
Espero que us agradi!!
After months of hard work (kind of) I have finally finished this drawing. Yes, it's a goshawk. And yes, I know it could be mistaken as a sparrowhawk as it would need to be far bulkier to be the perfect goshwk... However, I really like the result and I'm fairly proud of it! -Both species are hard to separate even when drawing...
I have done it with different pencil types, and I have basically used the 2H, the 1H and the 3B. (And of course the HB, as always). People tend to believe art and science can't go together, but naturalistic illustration has shown once again they are actually really close, and can complement each other.
Perdoneu també que sigui tant breu, estic en setmana d'exàmens finals... Però ja feia massa temps que tenia pendent penjar aquest dibuix.
Sorry about such a brief description, I've got finals...but I needed to post it anyway as I finished it quite a long ago.
Vaya artistassa estas feta!!!! És guapísim!!