En aquests moments i fa dues setmanes era a Burano. Hi havia pardals italians, hi havia molts, molts turistes i tothom parlava italià...ara ja he tornat a la realitat, però m'he emportat un munt d'experiències inoblidables del meu viatge, que ha sigut un dels millors que he fet mai (fins ara)!
Well, at this hour I was in Burano two weeks ago. There were Italian sparrows, people speaking italian and lots, lots of tourists. Now I'm back to reality and all this is gone, but I brought some truly epic experiencies with me. It's safe to say it has been the greatest trip I've ever done (up to date)!
But let's start for the beggining: from the 22nd to the 28th last month I went on a school trip. I'm studying the last year of obligatory education, so it was the time for final trip, and in my high-school it's a tradition to go to Italy. And that means, basically, a week of complete fun with all my class mates. And there are 4 classes. So there were a lot of us, which made the trip even better. On this trip, I visited the greatest places of Northern-Italy, I played the "truth or dare" game all night long, I watched the sunset from the top of the Florence Cathedral and the sunrise from a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean. I ate so much pizza as I could, I went on a gondola through the canals in Venice, I made friends with people from many different places and, of course, I enjoyed the italian birds. And here's the reason why I'm blogging this trip. We went to many different cities and I got some free hours on each one of them, but it wasn't easy to see many birds in the middle of the city, and as all my friends are non-birders I tried to not abuse of their patience and enjoy every moment of the trip. Even with that, I managed many year ticks, and also 2 lifers! - the Italian sparrow (I'll count it as a species, call me a stringer if you want) and the Black-necked grebe.
Faré un resum del viatge a partir dels ocells que vaig veure: tant el pardal italià com el cabussó van ser a Sirmione, el primer lloc que vaig visitar. Fins i tot vaig donar de menjar al pardal a la mà! (Adorable.) Tot seguit, vaig veure flamencs i un faisà anant cap a Verona, la segona destinació. Després de Verona, vam anar dos dies Venècia, on vaig veure una parella de xibecs (mascle i femella) i un munt de coloms molt confiats, als quals vam donar menjar amb la mà, el braç, i fins i tot van pujar al cap d'un amic, cosa que va tenir la seva gràcia. A més, vaig veure per primera vegada aquest any la cornella emmantellada (n'havia vist a Berlín l'any passat). N'hi havia pertot arreu i en vam veure durant tot el viatge, però sobretot a Florència i a Pisa, els dos punts finals del viatge. Finalment, vam tornar en barca a Barcelona. No vaig veure gaire res durant el camí de tornada, bàsicament perquè érem al mig del mar i perquè després de passar tota la nit de festa no em vaig aixecar fins el migdia, però quan ho vaig fer vaig convèncer alguns amics de pujar a coberta i observar una estona el mar a veure si hi havia ocells. Però sincerament, l'únic que vam veure van ser onades i més onades, i cap a les últimes hores de navegar, ja més a prop de Bcn, va passar pel costat del vaixell un grup de baldrigues, possiblement mediterrànies. En fi, que el viatge em va encantar encara que no fos per observar aus, I friso per poder tornar a la Bella Italia!
So here's my trip in birds: both lifers were in Sirmione, the first place where I went. I fed the Italian sparrow in the hand there too, which was great and incredibly cute! Next, I saw flamingos and a pheasant in our way to Verona, the second city. A pair of Red-crested pochards, a lot of confident pigeons I fed in the hand, arms (and my friend's head) and more and more BNGs in Venice. Also, I could yeartick Hooded crow (I had seen them in Berlin last summer), and I saw lots of them mainly in Florence and Pisa, the last point of our trip. Finally, we returned by boat to Barcelona. I did not saw a lot of birds there, basically because we were in the middle of the sea and because I could't get up until midday after a pretty decent disco night, but when I managed to get out of bed, I convinced my friends to go up to the deck of the boat and behave as complete geeks doing some seawatching. And yeah, that's what we did literally: watching the sea. Nothing showed, but I saw some shearwaters when we were close to land, possiblly Yelkouan shearwaters. All in all, I loved this trip, although it was not a birding one, and I'm looking forward to return to la bella Italia!
So here's my trip in birds: both lifers were in Sirmione, the first place where I went. I fed the Italian sparrow in the hand there too, which was great and incredibly cute! Next, I saw flamingos and a pheasant in our way to Verona, the second city. A pair of Red-crested pochards, a lot of confident pigeons I fed in the hand, arms (and my friend's head) and more and more BNGs in Venice. Also, I could yeartick Hooded crow (I had seen them in Berlin last summer), and I saw lots of them mainly in Florence and Pisa, the last point of our trip. Finally, we returned by boat to Barcelona. I did not saw a lot of birds there, basically because we were in the middle of the sea and because I could't get up until midday after a pretty decent disco night, but when I managed to get out of bed, I convinced my friends to go up to the deck of the boat and behave as complete geeks doing some seawatching. And yeah, that's what we did literally: watching the sea. Nothing showed, but I saw some shearwaters when we were close to land, possiblly Yelkouan shearwaters. All in all, I loved this trip, although it was not a birding one, and I'm looking forward to return to la bella Italia!
ResponEliminaFelicitats pel bimbos!!!