Ahir va ser el Dia mundial dels ocells, com molts ja deveu saber, i, tot i que no vaig tenir temps d'anar als Aiguamolls tal com m'hauria agradat, vaig aconseguir algunes fotografies molt espectaculars, des de la finestra de casa!
De bon matí, un estol d'estornells (Sturnus vulgaris) -que han arribat en massa fa poc- volava per sobre el camp de girasols que tinc a pocs metres de casa, fent increïbles figures al cel. Però l'autèntic espectacle va arribar quan dos aligots comús (Buteo buteo) van començar a intentar caçar-los al vol. Vaig anar de seguida a buscar la càmera, i les fotos són les que podeu veure a l'esquerra!
Els cables elèctrics no són gaire estètics, però no els vaig poder evitar a les fotos...
Maybe some of you already know it, but yesterday it was the World Birds Day. I didn't have time to go birding in a nature park as I wanted, but I took some really amazing photos from my house window!
When I got up, a huge flock of Common starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) -which have arrived some weeks ago- was flying over a sunflower field next to my house. There were about a hundred birds and that was incredible. Then, two Common buzzards (Buteo buteo) arrived, and the spectacle started. They were trying to catch the starlings while flying, and I ran for my camera. I took a ton of photos, but the ones you can see next to the text were some of the best!
The power lines aren't really pretty, but I couldn't avoid them in the pics...
Hola Irene! Depen de com t'ho miris, els cables donebn un toc rustic! ;)
ResponEliminaHe creat una pagina de facebook (no sé in tens), es diu Puput. Si vols mirartela ja saps ;) aquí tens l'enllaç: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Puput/681814788597793.
i no paris amb el birding!! Cuidat
Merci! Ara em miro la teva pàgina! (jo no en tinc de moment)