Aquest ànec és sens dubte, un ànec mandarí (Aix galericulata), una espècie molt rara a Catalunya. Aquest exemplar mascle ja fa temps que és a l'estany,i té un comportament confiat, cosa que fa pensar que pot ser provinent d'una granja o casa particular on estigués en captivitat. A l'estany també hi ha altres espècies rares, com l'oca egípcia o l'ànec mut.
Durant els últims anys han aparegut a Catalunya diferents exemplars d'ànec mandarí, aquí en teniu algunes:
- A Avià, al Berguedà es va veure un jove el 2012.
- A Puig-reig, al Berguedà es van observar 6 exemplars, també el 2012
- A Ribera d'Ebre es va veure un mascle el 2013
- Al Pallars Jussà, es va observar un grup de 6 exemplars, el març de 2013
- A la Garrotxa es va observar un mascle, aquest mateix any.
Yesterday we went to the Banyoles lake, and there we saw a colorful duck, with orange "sails" and "wiskers". This duck is from Asia, and you can rarely find it in Catalonia. It also has got a breeding population in Germany, Denmark and Nederland.
This duck is certainly a Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata), a very rare species in Catalonia. This one is a male. It has long since in this lake, and has got a trust worthy behaviour, wich suggests that it may be coming from a particular house or a farmhouse where it was in captivity. In the lake, there are also other rare species, like the Egyptian Goose or the Muscovy Duck.
During the last years, there have seen different speciemens of Mandarin Duck in Catalonia, here are a few:
During the last years, there have seen different speciemens of Mandarin Duck in Catalonia, here are a few:
- In Avià, Berguedà, a juvenile duck was seen in 2012.
- In Puig-reig, Berguedà, 6 speciemens were seen in 2012
- In Ribera d'Ebre, a male was seen in 2013
- In Pallars Jussà, a group of 6 speciements was seen in 2013
- In Garrotxa, a male was seen in 2013.
Aquí us deixo les meves fotografies de l'ànec.
Here I post my photos of the duck.