Aquest agost he tingut la sort de poder anar a la reserva ornitològica du Teich, a França. Es tracta d’una zona d’aiguamolls prop de Bordeus, que acull una gran diversitat d’espècies fins i tot fora l’època de migració. El parc ornitològic era increïblement gran, i contenia una gran diversitat d’hàbitats, cosa que feia que es poguessin veure espècies molt diferents. Els itineraris estaven ben senyalitzats, i hi havia nombrosos aguaits. Em va agradar moltíssim, i vaig veure una bona quantitat d’espècies.
This summer, I’ve been lucky enough to have visited a fantastic ornithological reserve in France, called Réserve Ornithologique du Teich. It’s a big area with wetlands near Bordeaux, where you can get a wide range of species at any time of the year. The park is incredibly big, and there’s a lot of diferent habitat types, so really diferent species can be seen there. The principal path was clear and easy to follow, and there were lots of hides. I really enjoyed going there, and I saw a good number of species!
Vam seguir el recorregut marcat, els primers aguaits del qual estaven dedicats a aiguamolls. Em va sorprendre l’enorme quantitat de tètols cuanegres (Limosa limosa) i gambes, tant rojes (Tringa totanus), pintades (T. erythropus) i verdes (T. nebularia). La proximitat dels ocells em va permetre fer bones fotos, i fins i tot algun dibuix de camp. Durant les primeres hores, vam disfrutar de la presència de tots aquests ocells, a més de valones (Tringa glareola) , morells de plomall (Aythya fuligula), corriols petits (Charadrius dubius), pigres grisos (Pluvialis squatarola) i martinets blancs (Egretta garzetta), com a més representatius. Molts d’ells mostraven els seus preciosos plomatges estivals.
We followed the marked path, and the first hides were dedicated to wetlands. I was surprised by the enormous quantity of Black-taiked Godwits (Limosa limosa), Greenshanks (Tringa nebularia), and Redshanks: both common (T. totanus) and spotted (T. erythropus). The birds were really close to the hides and I could take pretty good photos and even some field sketches. During the first hours, we enjoyed the presence of these birds, and also Wood sandpipers (Tringa glareola), Tufted ducks (Aythya fuligula), Little ringed plovers (Charadrius dubius), Grey plovers (Pluvialis squatarola) and Little egrets (Egretta garzetta). All these were the most common species, and nearly all of them showed their perfect summer displays.
Al anar avançant al recorregut, torbes els aguaits a llacunes salades, des d’on vaig observar xatracs becllargs (Sterna sanvicensis), corriols camanegres (Charadrius alexandrinus)...a més dels esperats becs d’alena (Recurvirostra avosetta), que no van trigar a aparèixer. Puc dir sense cap dubte que són un dels millors ocells que he vist, i si hi sumes que n’hi havia moltíssims en un paisatge extraordinari a la costa de l’Atlàntic, no cal dir que van ser la meva observació preferida.
As you kept going, you found hides in front of the sea, from where I could see Sandwhich terns (Sterna sanvicensis) and Kentish plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus), between others. I could also see Avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta), the species I’d been waiting for. It’s fair to say that they’re one of the most beautiful and maginficient species I’ve ever seen, and spotting them in a beautiful, atlantic scenery made of them the best observation of the day.
Seguint amb el recorregut, vam trobar estols de desenes de becuts (Numenius arqueta) i becplaners (Platalea leucorodia) i terrrits variants (Calidris alpina) just abans d’entrar a la zona més boscosa, on vam veure xivitones (Actitis hypoleucos), picots i passeriformes diversos.
Next, we found large groups of Curlew (Numenius arqueta), Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) and Dunlins (Calidris aplina) just before going to the forest habitat zone, where we saw Common Snadpipers (Actitis hypoleucos), woodpeckers and lots of passerines.
En total, una visita completament increïble, feia moltíssim que no veia tantes espècies i en tant gran nombre. Espero poder tornar aviat a la reserva!
All in all, it was just an incredible visit to the reserve! It had been a while since I had seen such a large number of species and individuals. I hope I can go back there soon!
All in all, it was just an incredible visit to the reserve! It had been a while since I had seen such a large number of species and individuals. I hope I can go back there soon!